Sunday, October 25, 2009

New work part 2

So I tried a few new things with my pendants. No dice. I tried acrylic paint as a back ground. I wasn't really sure how they'd turn out since the paint is water biased. The light sensitive chemicals just absorbed into the paint and didn't even print correctly, and then washed away when I rinsed. The second thing I tried was white india ink. It painted on just light enough that I thought I'd help be a good background, but it made the wood water proof. So the light sensitive chemicals just pooled up and made blotches. The ones I made that I didn't put a back ground on were way too dark, the wood just absorbed layers and layers of chemicals so when I rinsed the image you could barely see it and the dark blue from the next layer just made the image icky. My idea was to finish the pendants with a clear gloss that I tested on a piece of cyanotype I made, but when I painted it on one of the printed pendants it got all dark. Right now I'm at a loss. I really love this idea, I think they will be beautiful once I get the kinks worked out. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! If it works I'll send you a free pendant!

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